June Botha

"My passion for writing is definitely honesty, feelings and identification."

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The intrinsic quality of June Botha’s writing is to make every reader part of her story, be it a child or an adult.

“My premise is that we all share in some disappointments, exciting events or just new challenges that cross our paths.  Why are we not allowed to share it?  I can identify with each of these emotions and I am not ashamed to admit that through each of them the lesson I learnt was precious.”

Ek konnekteer maklik met mense. Ek voel hulle gewoonlik aan. Dit maak my bewus van hoe kosbaar elkeen van ons is. Ek streef daarna om dit te respekteer en te koester.

June Botha4

Public Speaker

Public Speaking2

I strive to encourage women to discover their own values. We currently live in an era where the woman’s inner strength is emerging more prominently. However, only a few women are aware of it. The book, Lodene, contributed on various occasions where I could address women on topics such as rejection, abuse, self-acceptance, single parenthood, abortions and societal pressures.

Feminine emotions are so easily suppressed or even mocked and yet this is the core of her being – the instinct of her existence. Strong women in Biblical times such as Mary, Eve, Sarah, Miriam, Esther, Ruth, Naomi, Deborah and Mary Magdalene, not only trusted their instincts, but also God, and this made them God-worthy. Never underestimate a lady’s instinct. Add emotion to it and you will find a perfect creation of God.

My questions to you are: Have you forgotten your feminine values? Or has someone deceived you by despising your feminine values? Do you really know how strong your dignity – your feminine values – are – how strong you are in Christ?

Never lose your femininity or be forced to lose it due to circumstances.

Lodene voorblad

Readers say...

June you are awesome!!! Thank you for believing in me and for being such an inspiration
Thank you ❤️❤️I have been thinking so much of you


Liefste June... ek het sopas Lodene klaar gelees, eerstens baie geluk dit het voorwaarlik baie moed gevat om dit te kon vasvang in woorde nietemin bloot te stel, tweedens liewe vriendin jy is 'n absolute inspirasie... ❤

~Ilse West

June ek het vanoggend jou boek gevat en kon hom nie neersit nie vrou, jy is n merkwaardige mens. Die boek is ongelooflik. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

~Jennifer Marshall

Liewe liewe June. Eerstens. Ek het n probleem sonder n foon gehad. Nou wil ek jou vertel hoe ek jou boek geniet het. Die vertaler was uitstekend. Sy het die vertaling uiters knap gedoen. MAAR die verhaal was so hartseer. Ek kan dit amper nie glo nie. Dis net ons Here wat jou staande gehou het.

~Tannie Petro

Hi June, hoop dit gaan goed daar. Het jou boek klaar gelees en moet jou gelukwens! Dis baie goed geskryf en gryp mens aan die hart. Jy kan verseker baie trots wees daarop! Jammer dat jy deur soveel hel moes gaan in jou lewe, maar ons is mos sterk vroue🤗

~Linda Holland

Baie geluk met die publikasie van jou boek. Ek glo hy gaan soos n veldbrand loop. Klink dramaties en boeiend, vol intrige.👌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Ek het radio Laeveld op my foon afgelaai en "ge-life stream" om die onderhoud te kan luister.
Terwyl ek luister kom die gedagte by my op, of my Seuntjie se mamma ook dalk aborsie oorweeg het en toe maar eerder besluir het om hom in die nag in die veld te los, in die hoop dat n WONDERWERK sal gebeur en iemand hom daar sal kry en hy n lewe sal hê🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️.
Dankie vir jou verhaal😘.
My hart is nou stil.

~Mamma met n hart

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